Noegle moves back, gritting his teeth against the barrage of attacks and manages to concentrate through the pain, covering the field in mist.

Up from above, between the branches of the trees, stones are falling at you, striking at Seth, Elariel and Ellyrion. The stones harden against their skin, entangling them further.

Seth takes 7 damage, Elariel takes 4 and Ellyrion takes 5. You are all entangled for 1 round.

One of the dusk beasts approaches Noegle and strikes at him through the fog. One attack misses due to the mist, the other two attacks are at 23 and 20, each dealing 4 damage.

You can roll a listen check to try and pinpoint the location of the caster, but I'm not sure how much you'll benefit from that.

Seth's turn. Abbant too, if he wants to take it on the initiative I rolled.
