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Thread: 5e Swordmage homebrew.

  1. - Top - End - #46
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: 5e Swordmage homebrew.

    I'll tie the wards to wisdom modifier, then. I'll up the healing of Trollskin.

    Edit 2: Eureka! Since all the wards are basically the same while cast, I can tie the overload mechanic of the wards to a resource like ki points, with higher level wards consuming more. This makes a very, very complex class, though, with two kinds of spell slots, two spell lists, and another resource as well. I like complexity, but this might be too much... hmm.. I suppose it isn't much more complex than the warlock's spells+mystic arcanum+invocations or a wild magic sorcerer. I'll tie the number of points you have to your constitution modifier + proficiency or your constitution score.

    PS: how do I send you a link with comment rights?

    Edit: I need your email address since I'm on my phone. It won't let me get a link. I could also copy/paste it here so you could comment.
    Last edited by bloodshed343; 2014-12-11 at 08:56 PM.