While I see your point, and it's a good one indeed, I see the necrocarnum as an option for less than good characters. Evil will be evil. Evil will look for every advantage, even going so far as to BE the force twisting, torturing and perverting soulstuff as apposed to merely making use of already corrupted resources. While a GsW has his connection to undead incarnum, he is not barred from other soulmelds.

Funny thing. Even as I defend it, I think about the soulmelds I've created and realize I did not even once concern myself with necrocarnum. I am left wondering if I'll actually include it in the final incarnation of this class...

On a side note,
I'm keeping an open mind on a better name for the Gravesoul Warrior. I feel that there is something more... Engaging? I just can't figure it out. I'd happily consider any ideas anyone might have!