Quote Originally Posted by Fleeing Coward View Post
Vwulf: My second choice, giving him the benefit of the doubt for now since he appears to be new but his lack of a response when prodded about his thoughts on other potential targets after defending himself is a point against him.
Hi! Apologies. School takes up all my time. I check the forums a good once per day. Hasty response because I have other obligations tonight as well, but yeah, I'm also sort of getting a wolfish read from Aventine. Honestly I haven't played enough games to get "wolfish reads" so that's all I've got. I'm not exactly "new to the forum", it's just been a long time since I've played (and most of my experience is from Town of Salem, a different game entirely). I am going to agree with Penguinator and say that Rain Dragon should be lynched, though I'm a little scared he's mason. Just gut feelings, really, no evidence.