So I'm seeing a number of different scenarios for an Empire vs Federation match up with different outcomes:

Scenario 1: Overwhelming Energy Output Differential wins!

One side's lasers phasers, torpedoes, shields are simple on a different magnitude of scale, resulting in an easy victory.

Winner: Federation (based on a fan-physcist's numbers).

Problems: It looks a little cheap, but harder criticism is that the hard numbers given are inconsistent with what's seen on screen as well as the fact that inconsistencies abound even with the numbers themselves.

Scenario 2: The side with the most speed wins!

One side has warp drive, the other has hyperspace drive. One gets you through a quadrant the other lets you roam an entire galaxy.

Winner: Empire

Problems: The defense against an Empire winning with that the federation is adaptable and could find a way to get around hit and run or attrition sort of tactics from the Empire. Another criticism that can be raised is that this tactic depends on the Empire holding back and not acting very Empire-like.

Scenario 3: Maneuverability wins!

One sides ships are just so much more nimble in an actual confrontation.

Winner: Federation

Problems: Trek only looks this way in a few movies, but in addition to upsetting the casual fans' (aka my) thinking, its not clear that maneuverability really would make the decisive difference.

Scenario 4: The side with the most ship wins!

Winner: The Empire (easily)

Problems: Since when is a confrontation really decided this way?

Scenario 5: Plot wins!

We know from reading, watching, and whatever else we do with these universes that, in the end, it never comes down to whose technically superior or has better strategy or whatever, it comes down to giving victory to the side that makes for the better story.

Winner: Federation (aka the Good Guys)

Problems: I think this one makes a mockery of this entire exercise.

Scenario 6: An extraordinary force (or Force) intervenes!

This is what happens when future Federation decides to get involved, the Empire has use of the Sun Crusher, and/or Wesley Crusher takes sides.

Winner: Federation

Problems: The main problem brought up is that these is "out of bounds" or "violates the rules" or some such. I would simply label it as "cheap."

Scenario 7: Adaptability saves the day!

One side has a tendency to invent incredible new solutions to problems within the span of a 40-odd minute episode.

Winner: Federation

Problems: I really don't see one here. I give this one my Reddish Star of Approval because not only because there is no clear flaw, but also because its accurately reflects the Federation typically solves their major problems.