Lee sets a brisk pace, jogging into the night. Fortunately, clear skies and a half moon make it fairly easy to judge distance on the cobbled road, once your eyes adjust to the lack of a lantern. You jog for what seems like an eternity, in reality about two hours, up and down the rolling hills east of Falcon's Hollow. Finally, you glimpse the unmistakable glow of fire over the next hill. Judging the distance at about another half mile, the party to comes to a brief halt.

Spoiler: OOC:
Fortitude save vs DC 14, or take 1 point of nonlethal damage, and become fatigued. The fort save is a free possible exception, so don't bitch :-P (you would not have caught up tonight without hustling.)

A comfortable walk will get you there in 20 more minutes, and will not prompt more fatigue, but will not remove the condition, without rest or some other curative effect.