All right it's time for me to use color, I am a yellow good Apple, and not the yellow Apple corps, I believe that there are only 2 remaining bad apples, 1 in green and 1 in red. Because this game began with 16 players and there are three colors I believe that there are 5 of each color for balancing reasons it is also likely that the wolves were evenly distributed. I know that I am getting somewhat metagamy and making a few assumptions based on incomplete information. However I have more knowledge about the yellows than anyone else could, because i know the only other yellow Apple is the yellow mason. (Yellow mason please pm me) this would also explain why there are 2 power roles in yellow aside from the mason, Fc as the seer/fool, and the pineapple. I'm still not positive about who the last 2 (or 3 my conclusions could be wrong) wolves are but I'm fairly sure most, if not all of them are in my bandwagon.