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Thread: RoR - IC thread

  1. - Top - End - #761
    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: RoR - IC thread

    "Whoa! Don' shoot me! Ah'm just walkin', don' wan' any trouble," Flynn cries with his hands above his head, the bard's voice clear and startled sounding. "Ah saw your campfire an thought maybe Ah could find some company this evening - bin travelin' most of the night tryin' to find a good place to stop. May Ah come forward? Ah can tell a good story or two, help make the night pass a bit mo' pleasantly..."

    Flynn waits, his posture respectful and open to the soldier, and keeps his face forward, carefully watching in the darkness as the man aim his bow. "If you have any ale or wine to spare Ah can make it worth your while to let me join you and the rest uh your company," he says, a nervous smile on his lips.

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    Low light vision, Perception modifier +8, Bluff +4 (so far I have deliberately said what I said to avoid needing to lie, though being in disguise I am obviously trying to deceive), Diplomacy +9, Sense Motive +9

    I would prefer to be using Diplomacy to improve the attitude of the guard. Flynn responded loudly enough to be heard by all and hopefully wake up at least a couple more soldiers, hoping the offer of stories might interest more than just the one guard on watch.