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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: MitD VIII: Everything we know about MITD (but were afraid Tarrasque)

    Quote Originally Posted by AbyssStalker View Post
    It is on page 130 in the 5th edition monster manual, again I'm a new player so if anyone with older edition books could check if it is in them I would appreciate it greatly.
    According to the wikipedia list of 5e monsters, Empyrean is the new name (or a new name?) for titans, which have certainly been around since D&D's dark ages.

    Titan is in the list of proposed monsters:

    Pros: High Strength, mythologically, the Titan Uranus ate his children.
    Cons: The only way to rescue O'Chul is by using Maze, which fits badly. It wouldn't be surprising it can talk.
    Last edited by Bird; 2014-12-26 at 11:41 PM.