[Kuzunoha Compound]

That looks eerie. Miya gasps, and even remotely inhuman. Luckily, she gets an immediate adrenaline rush, too, which is a useful thing in a fight.

Most of the chokeholds, grabs, and jointlocks she knows were designed for people with more human appearances. Unfortunately, there's no time to figure out which ones will work and which ones won't. She has to dodge immediately, so Miya leaps to the side, sidestepping the downwards punch. She doesn't even think of using the one spiritual power she knows how to use: someone swinging a punch immediately brings her to thinking about martial arts.

Even though Miya is pretty tall herself, she isn't obscenely so. She immediately recognizes that she'll have a power and reach disadvantage. She recalls other times she was at a disadvantage like this: practicing jiu-jitsu with her older cousins. Luckily, she learned that the best way to take care of someone with such an advantage is to get in a position where the advantage can't be used. In this case, trying to get to grappling on the ground.

As such, instead of moving backwards and away, she moves in towards Monster-Momoko. She crouches down so she can try to get into some sort of spider guard, where her opponent will be unable to move any sort of limb. As such, she latches onto Momoko's forward ankle, with one of her own legs wrapped around Momoko's and one of her hands holding onto the ankle, and the other foot trying to push the other leg at bay.

She grunts, reaching up for the arm that swung the punch with her free arm. Miya only hopes her grip and her planned leg sweep will be strong enough to bring her opponent down to the ground.