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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Enköping, Sweden

    Default Re: Crusader Kings 2 Thread III: Keeping Up With The Karlings

    I must admit I don't really feel the urge to start a game earlier than 1066, mostly because I quite frankly find the high medieval era so very much more interesting. Pagans, vikings and rabble? Bleh. I am swedish, we are up to here in frikking pagans.*

    I think after this game is over I will again start in Dal in 1066 but with a customized ruler (I started as the default one this time). And with WoL installed, of course.

    *Eddie Izzard reference
    Last edited by Avilan the Grey; 2015-01-08 at 02:52 PM.
    Blizzard Battletag: UnderDog#21677

    Shepard: "Wrex! Do we have mawsign?"
    Wrex: "Shepard, we have mawsign the likes of which even Reapers have never seen!"