Here I was thinking he's one of a small handful of Wizards.

Remarkably he tries to avoid expending all of his spells, made me wonder if he used that ring for those pyrotechnic effects but when he fell with the Balrog I kind of ignored the Peter Jackson version and simply assumed the much heavier monster hitting the water at the bottom first and Gandalf landing after managing to recover his sword and staff so he could continue the fight against the now sodden monstrosity who was understandably unable to reignite itself and probably more hurt by the fall than the Wizard with the Feather Fall spell.

Yes I'm d&ding it I heard about the Maiar bit but for me this is a trifle much.

Still haven't finished watching the Hobbit 2 Extended Edition and haven't watched the third released movie although I also still haven't made my way through the LOTR extended edition trilogy and I actually like the Extras on those!

Gandalf love?

Well yes his fireworks are impressive!