I suppose I should add some details:

After taking out two of the lizard folk huts, they snuck up on the bell tower by night and, through clever use of a silence spell, took the bell out of the picture. They weren't able to prevent the Sargent from flying away and assumed he was just fleeing. So while they were still fighting the hobbos there (I had doubled the number of them) Reggie and Saarvith arrived (in retrospect, this might have been a mistake.) I nearly took out the Barbarian, but they got Reggie low enough to make him run back to the town hall. They had found the fly potions so they gave chase.

In the meantime, the town hall had gone on full alert and called in the lizard folk. When the party got close enough to see, they decided to just take out Reggie then run to lick their wounds. (Another oops on my part was not having him beat it at 40 HP) after they took him out, they decided to try to quickly sneak in via the bottom to see if his hoard was underneath. They made their stealth and got into Reggie's lair. (Or at least b the scout did with the rest waiting underwater Via some water breathing potions) He was able to get most of the stuff before he was discovered and they ran.

The next day, after they were all rested up, they decided to try to use the same entrance, but little did they know Saarvith had had the greenspawn posted in that room.

The rest of the battle was then slowly fighting their way up to the roof, with one of the highlights being a confused barbarian nearly killing the cleric. :D