Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
Huh, I have a couple of Leorics and I never noticed that property before... I got them from A1 bounties if that helps you find them. I've never gotten one from a rift or Kadala, at least to date.

Eugh, I couldn't imagine playing HC back in D2 and that goes quintuple for D3. At least in D2, your friends could send you over some of their spare sets as replacement gear to get you back on your feet in case the unthinkable happened, or worst case scenario you kick a few bucks over to the Far East and have those guys bring you an entire set of shiny new toys. To put that kind of investment into D3 only to have it all evaporate... ick.

Sentries not firing the spenders automatically anymore is a bummer but I can also see how it might have been broken too. Manual fire should still be useful.
Yeah, I just recently heard about the Crown's legendary power; for a while i thought it was just another ascended-rare piece of junk.


Back in D2 it was actually possible to make it through all 3 difficulties with just the gear you found from grinding levels, though the difficulty obvs. depended on your class and build; I've had three assassins now hit Hell mode, though only one made it through (thanks to a lucky Tgod's Vigor drop, mostly; she got ambushed by black souls ALL. THE. TIME.)


The biggest broken part about the sentries thing is that attack speed lowered the cooldown on their hatred spenders, so they could quickly pump out some big numbers (getting like, 60% attack speed lowered the CD on their Cluster Arrow to like 2.2 seconds. Owch). However, with the way sentries themselves are changing (becoming a charge skill, recharges every 8 seconds but with no CD otherwise) I think it's mostly a balance concern - being able to throw down 3 sentries in 3 seconds is a lot more potent than 3 in 24 (or less depending on your CDR).