[Okinawa, Japan]
[Umeko's Apartment]

Naomi gives Umeko a rather concerned look as continues eating. It wasn't usual for her to be this... out of it, and it was really throwing Naomi off!

"...hey, um. Yoohoo? Earth to Ume, do you read, over? I know I sort of just ran through a meat grinder for no reason, and my muscles are kind of melting off my bones right now, but... whether or not I'm in any position to talk, you don't look fine, all right?" Naomi points at where her duffel bag is propped against the couch. "...if we're at the point where I can haul half my stuff across town to set up in your apartment, I think I'm pretty much willing to listen to anything. If you actually don't want to talk, we can wait, but... you know I'm here for you, right?"