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Thread: Trans-Atlantic Carrion Crown (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #933
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    NE USA

    Default Re: Trans-Atlantic Carrion Crown (IC)

    Spoiler: Combat Overview

    Initiative recap:
    19 - Gundwolf
    18 - Aurora
    17 - Fruril
    15 - Ectoman 2
    14 - Ectoman 1
    12 - Elian
    10 - Kristoph
    04 - ooze swarm

    Spoiler: GM Screen

    Dice rolls done in separate thread. Link:

    EH2 misses Kristoph
    EH1 dead
    Kristoph deals 4 more points to EH2. Total done so far = 7.
    Elian still paralyzed and nauseated.


    Despite Gundwolf's vicious attack, once again the goop that covers the unholy creature minimizes the impact of his flail, bouncing off with only a wet plopping sound.

    Aurora's gesticulations finish and the same symbol that she drew in the air hovers over the ectoplasm-covered undead monstrosity for a moment, then disappears. Even though there's no other outward effect, she instinctively feels that she has a slight pull on the threads of fate with this creature now, and can manipulate it in her favor ever so slightly.

    Indeed, the tide of battle turns on the other side of the door, as Fruril's attack fells the creature. It lay in two sickening pieces, starting to smoke heavily as the ectoplasm seems to start evaporating, giving off a strong acrid smell as it does.

    The undead in the room with the rest of the party is largely surrounded, and briefly it spins in place now that it is free of Elian's effects. However, as it goes to swing at Kristoph with its unnaturally strong fist, Aurora flicks her fingers ever so slightly to the left, causing the creature to jerk at the last moment to the left, swinging wide and missing Kristoph completely. And with its follow-through motion, it leaves its side exposed in time for Kristoph to land another solid blow, as blobs of ectoplasm fly off of it. It straightens after its attack and glares hatefully at Kristoph, and utters one long, raspy syllable. "Killlllll!!"

    All the while, Kristoph and Elian continue to be further covered by the hundreds of oozes. They've now climbed up to the heroes' waists, completely covering their lower extremities. The oozes among the bunch that have fed start to have a deeper red color as their victim's blood mixes with their own foul composition. Worse yet, Elian seems completely unable to shake the euphoria of being eaten by the creatures.

    Spoiler: Fruril

    You're now alone in the hall with a slowly dissolving ectoplasmic creature. Doors are still held fast.

    Spoiler: Kristoph

    Made your saves. You take 1 point of damage from the oozes. You dealt 4 more points of damage to the EH.

    Spoiler: Elian

    Failed your saves. Still paralyzed and nauseated. Take 1 more point of damage as you're being eaten alive.

    Spoiler: Aurora

    Misfortune hex for the win! Success on the EH! Will last for ten rounds.

    Spoiler: Gundwolf

    Attack missed again. Sorry man.

    Start of Round 4
    Last edited by CleverDragon; 2015-01-13 at 12:30 AM.
    Carrion Crown: Dice | IC-2 | Doc
    Ruins of Azlant: OOC | IC | Doc
    Calathon - Mummy's Mask