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Thread: Trans-Atlantic Carrion Crown (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #936
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Trans-Atlantic Carrion Crown (IC)

    Round 4

    Out of arcane powers to try, Aurora feints at the monster with her dagger, trying to distract it long enough to give Gundwolf an opening to strike.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Attempt to Aid Another vs EH to give Gundwolf +2 to hit.
    Atk (1d20+1)[16] vs AC 10 (including +2 from flanking - not sure if that applies to Aid Another!)

    Spoiler: Status
    Aurora Edmundson
    F NG Human Witch, Level 2, Init +8, HP 16/16, Speed 30
    AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, CMD 11, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 1
    Dagger -1 (1d4 - 2, 19-20/x2)
    (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
    Abilities Str 7, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 9
    Condition None
    Healing Hex: (per day)
    Kristoph 0/1 Elian 0/1 Fruril 0/1 Gundwolf 0/1 Aurora 0/1
    Last edited by MuffinMan; 2015-01-13 at 02:34 PM.
    Spoiler: Active characters
    Waylan, Kestros and Auspice (Wrath of the Righteous)

    Lydia (Age of Worms - loot tracking)