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Thread: Trans-Atlantic Carrion Crown (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #940
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Trans-Atlantic Carrion Crown (IC)

    Round 5

    Spoiler: Saves
    Fortitude (1d20+2)[16] vs DC 15 (failure: nauseated)
    Reflex (1d20+2)[21] vs DC 15 (failure: goo-covered)
    Fortitude (1d20+2)[19] vs DC 15 (failure: paralyzed)
    !!! /flex

    Her stomach clenching at the proximity of the ooze, Aurora steels her nerves and nimbly skips away from the encroaching globules. Then, she makes another set of jabs with her dagger, trying to slow down or distract the creatures from Gundwolf and Fruril.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Move out of swarm to AC-29, and let's try another Aid Another to give Gundwolf +2 to hit (if he's not paralyzed! )
    Atk (1d20-1)[19]
    Healing (1d8+1)[8] (unnecessary)
    Last edited by MuffinMan; 2015-01-13 at 04:27 PM.
    Spoiler: Active characters
    Waylan, Kestros and Auspice (Wrath of the Righteous)

    Lydia (Age of Worms - loot tracking)