Well lets say that i decide to stop in certain city for 2 months to craft all my equipments, etc... How we handle this?
Why would the rest of the party wait for me? The game will be ******* boring, like: we are 4 players

Player 1 what do you want to do?
ok roll the progress day dice.

player 2 what do you want do to?
walk around and go to tavern

player 3 what do you want do to?
walk around and go to tavern

player 4 what do you want do to?
walk around and go to tavern

80 days doing this so we can exit town, the session will be entirely "mine"

Yestertday my character took 6 days to make something, so the DM said:

you spent 6 days in town, the dwarf made a heavy flail +1 (you guys did nothing) and decided to get out of town

Sounded like things happened just for me, you understand? I Hate this