Quote Originally Posted by Raul Lećo View Post
Well lets say that i decide to stop in certain city for 2 months to craft all my equipments, etc... How we handle this?
Why would the rest of the party wait for me? The game will be ******* boring, like: we are 4 players

Player 1 what do you want to do?
ok roll the progress day dice.

player 2 what do you want do to?
walk around and go to tavern

player 3 what do you want do to?
walk around and go to tavern

player 4 what do you want do to?
walk around and go to tavern

80 days doing this so we can exit town, the session will be entirely "mine"

Yestertday my character took 6 days to make something, so the DM said:

you spent 6 days in town, the dwarf made a heavy flail +1 (you guys did nothing) and decided to get out of town

Sounded like things happened just for me, you understand? I Hate this
Presumably, the other players are also multi-dimensional characters with craft skills and/or feats, professions, and other things of their own to do. In the game world, they are also real people and there's actually some underlying assumptions about time continuing apace for them like it does for anybody else. What it should presumably look like is something like:

GM: "Okay, you've got one month of things being fairly uneventful; what are you all doing with your downtime?"

Fighter: "I'm going to craft a new suit of armor."

Rogue: "I'm going to work on expanding my information network, and I'll probably spend some time turning a profit at that tavern I opened."

Wizard: "I was a little frustrated at not having a spell appropriate for [xyz scenario] and I'm a little short on cash after picking up those other items, so I'm going to spend the time researching a new spell."

So on and so forth. Everyone picks a down time activity, DM verifies that the appropriate checks are made, and then everyone moves on to the next adventure. I'll usually try and assign a few minutes at the end of a given adventure arc to allow everyone to decide what to do with their downtime and make their checks, that way they show up for the next game with their downtime benefits already factored in to their character sheets.