~Year 494, Day 58, Sympolemou, Twik Swiftpaw

After extensive questioning and coercion, I have finally been allowed to view the fighting style of the Dünfel as they practice. They were initially rather aggravated at my prodding, but it seems as if their leader, Fel Malengorious has devised a new strategem that he holds in great esteem and wishes to unveil...

"Alright! So here's what we're going to do! So, I'm going to yell "RAAAAAWR!" and then I'm going to run up and smash the enemy in the face. Then, while I'm charging and screaming, but before I start smashing the little fleshlings, you all yell "RAAAAWR" and then make a dash for them too, see? Then we'll all smash them together! Great plan, isn't it? The little'uns will never see it coming."

Year 494, Day 58, Sympolemou, Twik Swiftpaw

I have nothing to add to the Scrolls of Prowess......