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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Foxside: The Temple of Inari 52

    [Shadow Temple - Library]

    Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
    Steven grimaces. "That's unfortunate. Well, at least you don't have to be stuck here alone." he muses.
    Mentally, he wonders if the books in the Shadow library are black pages and white text.
    Nah, the books are "normal" - just colorless.

    Kazuki shrugs

    Wasn't that much longer before my family left Town anyway - back before it was even called "Inside". It was harder finding out Izumi can't have children. But anway... Shadow Magic! First off, we don't call them spells - they are properly called "mysteries", and they work a little differently from what you are used to.

    He starts, and his perspective is just a little different from Orochi's

    Normally, you follow through a series of gestures, words, and thoughts. A lot of times they may seem pretty random, but what you are actually doing is using the unavoidable side-effects of those actions to make very precise changes to the current state of the universe that result in bending "what might have been" into "what is".

    The plane of shadows, however, is much more reactive than the material world. It will do what you tell it, if it recognizes you and you know how to ask. So Freddie: create darkness for us so Stephen can watch.

    Frederick nods and thinks a moment to remember the proper steps, then proceeds: conjuring a small globe of darkness in the air. To Stephen's enhanced senses, it will look the beginning of a summoning spell: gathering a small amount of power then contacting the plane.. but instead of the usual step of seeking the target, the instructions are fed out to "nowhere".

    [Sanctuary, Evening]

    Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
    Arkangel takes a seat, the humming of the armor getting sliiightly less.

    "It seems a little wasteful, though."
    "What god dwells here?"
    "I've never had much time for them myself, but it says something fun that places like this can exist."
    Mi Su shrugs

    It is a touch ostentatious, but it was funded and donated by a wealthy individual and it is poor manners to question a generous gift. And besides the usual operations of a temple, we also operate a hospital, daycare, school, and shelter for disadvantaged persons.

    The temple is dedicated to Inari, Goddess of Rice and Foxes. Additionally the priesthood of Tamamo no Ma'e, a subordinate deity and my goddess, shares space here in return for tending to the night guests.

    [Shadow Temple - Garden]

    Quote Originally Posted by firedaemon33 View Post
    Helen nods as she watches and says, "So borrowing power from others? That seems...Useful. If a bit creepy. How does it work?"
    Izumi is creepy, though she doesn't see herself that way.

    Think of it as obtaining a temporary power of attorney for that person. When you would normally petition the Shadows at the start of your mystery, you instead project the request as having come from the other person - and that is why I said their willingness is important. I will admit that it is possible to force the issue, but that is vastly more difficult and counts as an evil act.
    Last edited by Fenric; 2015-01-18 at 10:27 AM.