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Thread: Characters of the Town (OOC)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Timberwolf's Avatar

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    Planet Donegal

    Default Re: Characters of the Town (OOC)

    Name - Snowraven
    Age - 25
    Race - Human
    Class - Rogue 6, Assassin 10, Sorceror 20
    Alignment, LE
    Hair - white, shoulder length
    Eyes - black
    Height - 5ft
    weight 105 lbs
    Weapons - visable - Clan automatic shotgun, Silenced machine pistols, longsword
    hidden - unknown but numerous
    Clothing - white leather armour, black dress over the top.

    Backstory - Snowraven is Nightstar's older sister. They used to operate as a pair until Nightstar went freelance and eventually quit the assassin trade, something that Snowraven has never forgiven her for since her inferior skills could not make up for Nightstar's abscence. Nightstar is by far the more dangerous of the 2, especially in a melee or gunfight but throughout the years of chasing her sister through the planes, Snowraven has developed an enviable skill with arcane magic to counteract the edge that her sisters affinity and relationship with shadows has always given her. She is now in the employ of Nightstar's former employer who was not pleased when Nightstar refused to fulfil a contract and is arriving in the Town to find her sister and bring her severed head back to her employer.

    Common knowledge - Snowraven is nowhere near the threat that Nightstar is in a fight normally unless she has managed to prepare with her spells. She doesn't have the emotional issues of Nightstar either, you can call her cute and see how far it gets you and she has no overwhelming compulsion to wreck bars. what she will do, however is gleefully massacre anyone between her and her sisters tiny, pretty, severed little head.

    Notes - I'm collating what happens to Snowraven with Nightstars notes, saves me bother. Oh yeah, she's LN now.
    Last edited by Timberwolf; 2007-03-29 at 09:42 AM.

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    "Youth and talent is no match for age and treachery."
    Mechwarrior by Elder Tsofu