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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Jun 2006
    Irving, TX

    Default Re: Foxside: The Temple of Inari 52 - Nine Years of Foxes

    Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
    Shadow Temple- Library

    Steven shrugs. "Well, that's what my handbook is for. Checking the little page is a lot faster than turning something on."
    he says.
    Kazuki smiles

    You have to find your own organization, of course.And following mine is perhaps not the best choice, considering I was banished from the Material Plane.

    So, On to the mysteries themselves! Darkness is the most basic of them all: to make a sphere of reduced light! Now: we are shadows: complete darkness is NOT our place! Always mind that: you can reduce the available light, but you can never eliminate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
    [Sanctuary, Evening]

    Arkangel returns the sword to its place, her armor clicking the scabbard back in.
    "I can't. If there is any doubt at all, I cannot release it."

    "The most secure place, I would consider, but this, no. I was weak, thinking that I would be able to set down this burden."

    She...grins would be an overly positive word. Grimaces, setting her teeth against a lifetime of hearing the sword's reminders.

    "No god or work of magic could protect the world from this blade as well as I have, no vault or imperial army. I am not even sure a cessation of all magic would stop His terrible sight. I am sorry, holy woman. I have wasted your time with these questions."

    The armored seeker bows her head to Mi Su, and takes a step away.
    Mi Su sighs

    There is no waste: the asking of a question has value in itself, regardless of the answer. But no: neither Stormbringer, nor Mournblade, nor Blackrazor could we swear to keep safe. We would do our utmost, and it would be over our corpses and the ruins of this beautiful place... but in the utmost, we are mortal and would fail.

    If you would have this think taken forever from the realms of mortals... we have those connections. But they cannot be taken back once invoked: the thing would no longer be of this... existence. It would be forever gone.

    [Shadow Temple - Garden]

    Izumi looks thoughtful for a moment, then nods

    Yes, Princess. You may very be surprised, however: the majority of my ability depends on my husband, who has no talent with shadow magic whatsoever, yet has an impressively tremendous reserve. It is a good example for you.

    To my knowledge, there is no such thing as a second-degree channeling: you can only draw on my own native abilities.
    Last edited by Fenric; 2015-01-20 at 10:49 PM.