"It's not just stone," Elara begins correcting Myr, looking up from the scrolls she had already begun to examine as the man's words reach her through the blockade she has put up to aid her concentration. "The path is-" Knock.

Elara stops, looking over to the door silently, putting down the scroll in her hands and slumping slightly as no explanation comes, no calming words to somehow explain why the 'safe'house seemed to be...well, not safe. "I'll...I can throw up an image of the room being empty," Elara says as Calia steps forwards. "If things go south, it'll give us a bit more of an advantage," she explains. If none of the others objects, she retrieves a small bit of fleece from her pouches and begins to intone arcane syllables, forming them into something like a sentence, meaning greater than that of the individual sounds being woven into it as she speaks, her hands drawing more energy from her mind and limbs out into the air, fingers dancing through complex configurations for several seconds before she's finished, and she closes her eyes briefly, letting her memory provide the fabric of the illusion. The room seems to flash back to its former state, an empty, dust-covered place. She cools it, as well, removing the warmth of the fire and calls upon her deep knowledge of dusty ruins to fill the air with the smell of a long-abandoned place. "Please stay fairly still," the mage asks, as she carves out blocks into the air, crudely spreading the image across empty space just before her comrades to ensure that they're hidden.

Spoiler: OOC
Major Image, wooo! Probably not necessary and/or overkill, but Elara's got slots to burn and is gonna sleep soon.

I'm covering the entire room, but placing 'extra' blocks in front of each person so that they're behind a screen that shows what's 'behind' them. It'll last for concentration + 3 rounds, and is a DC 17 Will save to disbelieve (only if interacted with, though, so...vagueness ahoy!) with us getting a +4 bonus because we know it's an illusion.