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Thread: The Nightmare of SIDE

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: The Nightmare of SIDE

    Hayseed stows her communicator with a great deal of satisfaction. That was all just dandy-riffic! It's true what the old song says, after all: yes, you get by with a little help from your friends!

    "We could abso-LUTE-ly do that, Mister Way! Abso-LUTE-ly! That would be a nice idea, wouldn't it? On the OTHER hand, I do believe that I might have a clue as to where our Storm Runners are lurking! There've been some strange electrical outages on Thirteenth street near the library, and somebody may have spotted them an hour ago near the shopping center near tenth and Larson. Sounds promising, no? Does anyone mind another encounter with our wayward youths?"

    Wayward youths. Hayseed catches herself thinking that and frowns slightly. Time was, she'd only thought of particularly juvenile targets as wayward youths. Nowadays, half of her kill list seems to be made up of targets who thought that Grunge constituted "classic rock" and hadn't even been ALIVE for some of the finest movies of all time. It bothers her sometimes, killing people who haven't had a chance to experience the finer things in life. But then again, it's not like they know what they're missing, with their electronica music and psycasts and vampire movies. Perhaps its a mercy after all!

    Or maybe I'm getting old I am NOT getting OLD. Everybody else is just young!
    Last edited by herodofcows; 2015-01-22 at 02:30 AM.