[Okinawa, Japan]
[Umeko's Apartment]

There was a time and a place for serious storytelling, but... Naomi still loved stuff like this. Goofy, off-the-wall, and willing to sacrifice a bit of sensibility for a lot of cool. The show itself was nothing special, but the company was, and it was fun having Umeko engaged in this sort of thing. And there was something immensely comforting about just sitting there in her pajamas, snarking at a silly action flick, cuddling with the woman she loved. It was so normal.

In that vein of normalcy: someone who has undergone substantial physical reconstruction, dashed over several rungs up her romantic relationship ladder, run halfway across a city (and back), and proceeded to take a warm shower and find a cozy place to rest, all on only a few hours of sleep? Well, it's perfectly normal for them to doze off. So much as Naomi is enjoying the mundane bliss, she ultimately ends up nodding off about three quarters of the way through the movie, slumped against Umeko and breathing gently as she succumbs to the siren song of the land of nod. It would probably take a foghorn or a bucket of water to wake her at this point.

The artist's slumber is deep, dreamless, and serene. By this point, she's earned it several times over.