The Reddinfel Midturn [Loyalty 19]

Duncan Wood, who was now known as the drunken bear, or occasionally even just Dunken Bear depending on the crown and level of inebriation, sat with a few of the other lieutenants on the roof of an old tradepost. The tradepost was long gone and the building now a safe house, and its vast stock of paint now used for graffiti and weapon black. Duncan rubbed more of the sticky black goop onto the blade of his dwarven made axe, a relic of the Reddinfels last major battle.

"Looking forward to retuning that to its makers?"
"Nah man, I'm keepin this thing, saved me more'n once now."
"I meant stickin' it in a dwarf dummy. You don't have to give up your axe."
Duncan scowled as his fellow jeered him as Dumb Duncan and the slowbear. But he bore it, let them have their laughs before battle, some of them might not survive it.

The hatch to the roof slammed open, a brutal looking woman with spiky, self inflicted tattoos of tiger stripes across her body emerged and gave them a playful grin.
"Boys and girls the hunt is on, get to your people and get them geared up, fresh off the line gear today."

The quiet commotion of the gear ups across the Reddinfel territory was practically uninterrupted, a stream of ever so small noise devoured by the quiet undercity. Duncan followed Alicia the Cat through the winding tunnel streets to his gear up, his gang was preparing like the rest, the veterans giving pointers to the new runners, dogs being fed battle water to keep them fierce. He turned to Alicia as she was walking off.
"Where are we bound today? Are we finally giving the Khaxxix what they deserve?"
Alicia stopped, her stance tense.
"We are bound where Hadran takes us. Do not make assumptions, it will only lead to over-confidence and folly."
Her voice was sharp, a reprimand. But her shoulders relaxed and she turned with a smile.
"But I hope you like tea."

GM only. (I think?)
Spoiler: MID TURN stats

1. Agents are gonna go on a rampage. All 24 of them are going to go for the League of Fine Tea Makers. This is a lighting attack, we go in, kill'em all. Then grab everything and leave a gruesome scene behind. Looking to gain a big boost in industry and knowledge because it seems I will not be getting a loan from the bank.

2. VIP action to aid my agents in their total annihalation gambit. But Hadran's real objective here is to kidnap Sargon, the LoFTM's VIP, alive.

3. Industry (all 3 of it) is going to produce equipment. That is getting slapped on the Agents and VIP (24 for agents, 3 for VIP)

Hopefully this works, I am curious if I do something particularly brutal (like the above) will it boost reputation, or do I need to spend separately for that? I suppose we shall soon see.