After spending the weekend thinking about Modern and the consequences of the recent bannings. I'm wondering what modern would look like if Birthing Pod, Treasure Cruise, DTT, Ancestral Visions, and BBE were unbanned? I honestly feel all of those are relatively safe unbannings that although completely undoing the trend would lead to a nice, more fair and faster pace modern. Tier 1 deck wise I feel it would hurt Affinity and Abzan Midrange, but abzan players would go back to their pods and Jund, Combo would take the biggest hit but Twin and Scapeshift would greatly appreciate DTT, but the new up and comer Bloom Titan would take a serious hit and Infect would also not be having fun. Beyond that I think control would love the addition of Ancestral Visions. As to what would get hit aggro is not getting any toys here (Zoo maybe with BBE) so burn and affinity would be down, but their ability to sideboard check decks would still mean they would see play.

As to riskier bans, I'd like to see Sword of the Meek and the Artifact Lands to come off, I still think Control needs something to help stabilize and the artifact lands would give affinity a necessary boost in a more powerful modern.