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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Heroes of the Storm (Closed Beta Begins 13 Jan)

    Clunky and weak are the two things that chiefly come to mind with respect to Gazlowe; at this point he is pretty undertuned and in desperate need of buffs alongside Murky and Diablo.

    Basically he doesn't really have a use except in gimmick compositions that exploit his grav bomb and securing arenas in Sky Temple.

    Would really like to see how this theorycraft comp works out:

    Hunt Illidan + Felstadt + Brightwing + Abathur + Tassadar/Nydus Zagara

    Felstadt flies to a Merc camp, Brightwing teleports to him, double bribe. Abathur burrows in, drops Locust Brood and Nest if he has it then Hearthstones back. When Mercs and Locusts are about to hit the enemy Minion wave, Illidan Hunts in, Zagara Nydus' in while Abathur drops Ultimate Evolution/Monstrosity (now that it's been buffed) and runs Symbiote support.

    Basically instant 5 man push/force projection pretty much anywhere on the map with Merc support. Do lots of damage fast, then GTFO.