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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Base Class Challenge Chat Thread IV: All Your Base [Class] Are Belong to Us

    For word errors, when you're describing enforcement time as 1 full round action you then describe them in ways similar to spells with a casting time of 1 full round; a full round action can be performed exclusively during your turn, an action which requires 1 full round is finished at the start of your next. Also do rules move with you or can you drop one and leave?

    As for balance, I haven't gone through everything yet but... I apparently changed my mind while posting and went through everything.

    All is Trees stands out as really powerful for a 4th level effect, at 4th level most enemy groups are not ranged combatants and the DM is forced to build entirely new sets of encounters just for that ability, up it to 8th and there are comparable effects already in existence (Solid Fog) and ranged options are much more common on enemies meaning there will be encounters it can win (the hydra!) but there will also be ones where it is not an I Win button.

    Anti-Doubles: You double your uses of Laws for the duration by getting a double who can use them for you, and your allies' buff spell capabilities. Where All is Trees just needs a higher level, Anti-Doubles probably needs to be axed in general.

    Apocalypse Burst: You just wiped out 90% of the human population from another plane. This just has problems. It would work with a range limit measured in miles, but one measured on "infinitely interplanar" it destroys a setting, and can't even be used as a good doomsday weapon plot. It's also not useful in actual combat.

    Apocalyptic Reset: Same basic problem but here you just wiped out everyone, and everything with 2 or more hit dice; 200 damage/hit die to every creature is a little too much. It's also slow enough to not be useful in combat.

    Only the Truth Matters: Cancel Rule can't affect Truths so with all other rules not in effect the exemption for Cancel Rule is kind of pointless.

    Timeless: As written it lasts forever The RAI is clear and it does not need to be changed, just had to point it out.

    Verify: Have to look at lower grades before I can comment on whether this is multiversal genocide.

    Wishes Have (Limited) Power: Each ally gets 12 3rd level spells is probably too much for a 6th level spell equivalent even if limited to out of combat use.

    A World Without Death should probably be a Law due to how it comes into play at the same level as Animate Dead for some classes, and turns a 2nd level spell (Command Undead) into free undead.

    Cascading Power: I'd drop the duration to 1 round/level or make it higher level, stacking things can get pretty powerful at higher levels.

    Cling to Spells/Powers: are worrisome due to their nature, but the halving effects and limitation to empowerable spells probably make them functional and no broken combos pop into my head immediately.

    Contingent Magic/Psionics: Are probably breakable, hence why you can only have one contingent spell at a time. I'd make it limit them to one contingent effect at a time, you can still force others to trigger and it still gives all casters in your party a free spell at the start of combats for the duration. Which is still possibly game breaking with its duration.

    Curved Space Time: Should grant the All-Around Vision special quality (protects against flanking and grants +4 to Search/Spot).

    Fixed Forms: Does this stop minor shapechange (changelings)/Thousand Faces (druid)?

    Fleeting Power: The DC is too low. At that level they need less than a 10 so on average it's 1 pp per round that they remain within (assuming they don't have precautions such as a 2500 GP item to ensure they make a 20 on a 1 for concentration purposes). It could just not allow resistance and still function and be balanced.

    Fragile Steel: Does magical enhancement increase the hardness above 0 or is it 0 after that is calculated in?

    Immortality: I'd cut it back to 1 round/level. Still lasts through an entire combat (and some time after) and is just cleaner, but it's not a huge deal either way.

    X is Hard: I think the DC might be a little too high at the level you first get it, and might go with a flat 50% chance, or a CL check against DC 11 + your rulemaker level; though you might want to then do the same to X is Very Hard (which has a comparatively lower DC as CL boosters are around at that point and the DC increase is slower than linear).

    Magic is Light: The intent seems to be you get information as round 1, or possibly 2, of detect magic without concentration, is that correct?

    Martyrs: I would add a clause about not allowing regen/DR/energy resistance or immunity against this damage i.e. it cannot be reduced or prevented.

    Material Standard: Is this supposed to be a Truth? It has a transcosmic effect as written. If it just suppresses planar traits in an area around you, I'd drop it to Edict.

    Mindless: A creature with 0 in an ability score cannot act; you mean become non-abilities. A creature with a non-ability for Wisdom or Charisma is not a creature but an object and cannot act. Reducing your own Int to - means that you become an NPC and... this one just ends up really messy. I'd suggest renaming it and reworking it to make all creatures have 10 Int, Wis, and Cha.

    No Turning: I'd note they also can't be rebuked.

    Obscurity: Might get scary when combined with a source of invisibility, such as a ring of invisibility.

    Persistent X: If the rule is an emanation based upon yourself, instead of staying where you leave it, this needs to be at least a Law.

    Pride is your Downfall: The BBC code is messed up (you have [/b[ instead of the proper way)

    Primitive State: A much more functional version of Mindless.

    Psionics is Normal: Put a level cap on which powers they can manifest. They also need a manifester level; I'd actually say give them ML = 1/2 Character Level with ones manifested this way, which means that they have a built in level limit to which powers they can manifest.

    Size Begets Life: This gets problematic if you have any party members who wear armor. I might make it only affect unattended objects and be lower level.

    Greater Suggestibility: Does the lesser geas remain after the duration of the rule? If so it's too powerful (spamming 4th level spells at Lv 8 is not good design), if not it's non-functional (Lesser Geas doesn't do anything in the first 200 minutes).

    Surging Power: Trying to think of official classes with X/day SLAs that would break this... shadowcaster. It should probably be an edict not a regulation.

    Swapping: I'd say this could be lower level, it's not as powerful to use as the other laws, possibly just a regulation.

    Telekinesis: This is stronger than Swapping.

    Universal Telepathy: Seems odd to be reading the minds of other creatures outside of the range of the rule, and potentially broken. I'd remove the mind-reading bit, and leave it at "infinite range telepathy" which is itself a better version of Sending.

    Over all well made, interesting, and one of the best, if not the best, reality warper class I've seen. I like it (as shown by the fact that I actually went through the whole list of powers with critiques instead of glancing through things)
    Last edited by Zaydos; 2015-02-10 at 02:18 PM.
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