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Thread: Tales of Aequar: Runite's Rise IC V

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    Titan in the Playground
    Draconi Redfir's Avatar

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    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Tales of Aequar: Runite's Rise IC V

    Elsee snarled through her mask as her eyes locked on the hobgoblin's. "pipe down will ya!? The gurd thinks i'm yer grand-neice given ya the blood of your father's killer to drink in ritualistic revenge, so bite yer tounge and keep up the act!... actually that's a good idea, bite your tounge, it'll make it look like you just chuged a vial of blood."

    Elsee's eyes moved back to Bella as she adjusted her posistion to be relitively between the two. "look, you guys aren't wolf heads right? so you'll get out sooner or later won'tcha? there's no point in escapen less ya wanna end up like the last group of hobbo's i came across. And like i said there's a huge plauge goin 'round the whole city, we're lookin in on the cause, but so far this area's been clear so it's the safest you can get without getting at least three miles out of the city. and YOU at least" Elsee pointed to Bella "i need to NOT die and prefferibly walk around town a free girl. 've got a feelin ya don't have any issues with hobgoblins, 'nd i've got a guy i need to take care of once all this is over. 'm gunna be skipping town after this, 'nd i can't bring him with me."

    Elsee inhaled sharply after the speech, looking back to Nedivax. "look, the boss'll notice his/your spellbook whatever missing, best i could do is maybe, MAYBE rip out a page or two for you to use as a scroll, but bustin out? ain't gunna keep you OR your sister in the city's good books ya got that?"
    Last edited by Draconi Redfir; 2015-02-21 at 11:59 PM.
    Avy by Thormag