Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
Kayda grins. "Unfortunately I do not employ Leif. However, I do hear that the masquerade will be lavishly catered." She hands the satchel over to Badger. "My compatriots will be watching you carefully, though we cannot overtly intervene. I wish you luck...for all our sakes." And she's gone in moments.

Inside the satchel are several signet rings, finely-crafted masks that not only hide but also seem to blur the outline of the face, accessories like sashes and gloves, and a partial floor plan and guest list, with a disclaimer that the latter two are slightly speculative but erred on the side of absence over guessing. There is a mask for everyone: a jet-black raven mask, a pale crescent moon mask that seems to shimmer in shadow, a bright bronze dragon mask, a cream-and-orange fox mask, a frog's mask whose hands appear to cover the eyes without blocking vision, and an impishly grinning satyr's mask.

Spoiler: Everyone
sorry guys, she didn't give you Majora's Mask.

What are you guys going to do now? And thank you!
Badger flipped through the contents pulling out the raven and crescent moon masks. After some consideration she tossed the moon mask back in the satchel and held onto the raven mask. Poking her head into the dining hall she shouted to the others. "Meet upstairs. You'll want to see this." Hurrying to her room she set the box down and put the raven mask in her dresser. Carefully she reached to the bottom of the bag and pulled out one last article which she hurriedly hid in her closet.