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Thread: Serpent's Skull: The Mwangi Party [IC]

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Dec 2014
    Somewhere cold.

    Default Re: Serpent's Skull: The Mwangi Party [IC]

    "That's a good idea. While you do that, the rest of us can work on organizing camp for tonight." Aldarion turns to the rest of the group, and explains to those left on shore what happened aboard the wreck. "It took some effort getting to the wreck. If not for Cabrakan spotting and grabbing that dinghy, it would have been even harder getting back. We've recovered a fair amount of gear, thankfully. As Ebreloni noted, we have found enough food to last us a few days. Aerys, since you have experience in that area, I agree with you that you should handle the role of cook. Perhaps those of our group who are good as such things can gather decent ingredients for you. Good job finding the limes as well. I'm sure that will help fighting any illness we might face."

    The half-elf begins recounting the entire list of provisions and supplies that they recovered. "As far as arms and armor are concerned, Ishirou retrieved his sword, and is now wearing the poor first-mate's armor. Hopefully it will serve Ishirou better than its previous owner. That reminds me, we should also tend to any bodies in the immediate area. Not only is it the decent thing to do, but bodies left around could draw scavengers or worse." He held out the longspear he now bore. "In addition, we also recovered this longspear and a sword. I'd be happy to take either, as the rest of you prefer, for some sort of defense. I'm not as suitable to melee combat as most of you, and my whip won't do us much good, save perhaps to keep some animals at bay in a pinch. What I'd really like to get hold of is a shortbow and arrows, but unfortunately I was unable to find mine on the wreck." He pats the whip at his side fondly and continues. "As far as other supplies go, we recovered a block and tackle, some canvas sheets, fishing nets, grappling hook, bullseye lanterns and a good number of oil flasks, some rope, 5 shovels..." He paused, dug in his pocket, and withdrew the box he recovered earlier. "...and this box. I'm not entirely sure what it is for, but I detected magic upon it. Unfortunately, perhaps duo to the stress of the moment, I was unable to determine what its abilities are. If any of you have such knowledge, please take a look. Otherwise I intend to try again tomorrow. At the very least, I deem it to be worth a fair amount of money, what with the outside being encrusted with gems." He paused as another thought struck him. "Oh, I also found two bottles of brandy, some rock candy, some other fancier-looking chocolates, and a painting of a small dog. Do these belong to any of you? Otherwise, I'll give the brandy and food to Aerys along with the rest of the food stores. Professor Harmon here discovered the captain's journal, and he will no doubt enlighten us as to what he found out." Aldarion left unsaid the content he found in the captain's notes, not wanting to inflict bad poetry on the rest of the group.

    Aldarion stops for a moment to let all the information he provided sink in for the group. "Now then, we should arrange watches for night, and figure out who gets what camp duties." He nods to the Half-Elf woman. "Aerys has graciously volunteered to be our cook. I’m thinking that one or two with keen sight would make good sentries during the day. Perhaps the druid or one of the rangers would like to be forward scout, and one of the others our rearguard?” He looked at the rest of the group. "We need to work together and play upon each others' strengths if we're going to survive. I was thinking that tomorrow we might, as Aerys suggested, find a cave or another suitable location for a more defensible camp that we can range from, and perhaps leave several of our group behind to guard our supplies so we don't cart everything with us into danger. Ishirou, Sasha, and Aberwhinge, perhaps? Are there any camp or daily duties the rest of you feel that you are suitable for?" He asked this last question as he looked at all of the remaining group-members in turn: Aerys, Sasha, Ishirou, Aberwhinge, Jask, and the others. "I propose we vote on our decisions for survival, travel, and exploration, going with a basic majority vote. Combat, however, is different. I think we should pick one person who has seen combat and knows how to direct others in such situations where we may face more than sea scorpions. It wouldn't hurt to have some sort of chain-of-command.

    He paused again, picking up one of the shovels. “We also need a couple to bury the dead and dig latrines. Not the most glorious job, but I volunteer for one of those spots, if anyone would care to join me.”
    Last edited by Othniel; 2015-03-06 at 09:22 PM.
    Many thanks to Ceika for the Custom Avatar!