Thanks for the link, Emperor Ing! I guess I can use the hiatus to update it some more. (And the inbox counter still exists, you just have to look for it. It's near the bottom.)

Concerning the new comic: while Khorne and his daemon-ducky are as great as ever, and it's a shame he's probably out of the story (barring my pet theory about Powers eventually going Khornate), for my money the best gag here is the Custodes-shaped hole in the wall in the first panel, mostly because there's no attention drawn to it.

As for the more serious side of things: while it's nice to see Ser has learned some from his experiences, didn't he already do this fealty pledge thing at the end of last chapter? Though I do look forward to seeing more interactions between him and Marnia; the whole chivalric vibe to it is kind of neat, and while I think the "flirting" is done now that Ser's back in his real body, if it ever comes up again it could be hilariously nuts.

Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
I knew it!

It wasn't exactly a big secret, he manifested in a bath towel.