The Crown: An artifact of Command
Allows the user to Command others, Geas, or Suggest
Can only be removed by the Sword (along with the user's head). It cannot be used to command the bearer of the Cup. If used to command the wearer of the Ring to remove the ring, see below. If a user has both the Crown and the Rod, they can establish and destroy the boundaries of kingdoms and states.

The Ring: An artifact of Bond or Promise, the force of a Ring user's word can bend fate to its will to fulfill a promise made by the user of the Ring. After putting it on, the Ring wearer only gains a benefit when committing to a cause or purpose to be accomplished (defeating a king, destroying a great evil, etc.) and when required, the ring can act to preserve the wearer when it is used towards this purpose. Can only be removed by completing the Promise, by immersion in the Cup, or removal by the Sword. If the Crown is used to command the wearer to remove the Ring, the force destroys both the wearer of the Crown and the wearer of the Ring.

The Rod: An Artifact of borders and boundaries, it can be used to forbid others and set up bounds which entities cannot cross if they are those named by the wielder, including binding and imprisonment. If the Ring and the Rod are in opposition, neither can overcome the other, and both are rendered useless until something breaks the stalemate (the Ring Wearer is commanded by the wearer of the Crown to break a boundary, for instance, or the Rod's boundary is cut by the Sword)