Just to be clear, Dungeon and Dragon Mag will never be allowed as sources while I'm the Supreme Chancellor. The only one that could be allowed is dragon compendium, and that's iffy.

As far as limitations, It's never really been banned material. This last one skirted more into banned material than the first, but the first one still allowed you to go into classes that got 9ths, but not so much push them all the way, because it wasn't really the feel of the character.

More of what the limitations are, are hints of what Judges would probably penalize for if you did it, because it's not necessarily a good theme for the specific type of character. Nature's Revenger was a lot tougher to choose on, then the previous one.

I currently have up until May's contest planned out, as far as limitations and concept builds go.

I've been asking on limitations, because I'm wanting to see how everyone else feels about them. If we should get rid of them, I can do that. But I mostly feel they are there as hints for the optimizers.