[Wreck - Container Thief]

This nearest container, moderately large, is full of papers, visible through the translucent sides. Must be a million pages in there.

This small one here, maybe six inches tall, with rounded ends, is cold to the touch. It looks to unscrew to open, and has what looks like just dirt in it.

This one here, larger but still small contains magnets, each separated into foam cells.

This one here - as the Omwati approaches, holographic warning signs spring into existence, a mild warning beep sounds, and hot red lights flicker near its clasps and corners - maybe she should be careful with that one.

Another one hear has an actual listing in several languages: Navigational devices.

This small box looks incomplete. It isn't apparent how it's standing, actually it's just sort of hovering.

Here, paintings. Similar in style to the one found up above. Looks like whoever owned these took a choice one to display and left the others in storage.

Another rounded canister, this one full of clinking clear gemstones.

There's a sound, probably from near that cluster of large hexagonal containers. Something scraping against metal. Humanoid footsteps.