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Thread: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

    [Masq - Trees!]

    'Why so serious? What does me being Paladin have anything to do with-'

    All of a sudden, Kelcey clutches her waist and bursts into a hearty laugh. Is she crying from laughter?

    'You mean the Dungeons and Dragons kind of paladin? The ones that can lose their powers for a lot of things? Good thing I've been reading the sourcebooks, otherwise I would've been lost.'

    Kelcey nearly topples over, but catches herself on a nearby tree.

    'I'm not a Dee and Dee paladin. I'm from Andolor, where the term 'Paladin' means you get Lay Hands at Level 1, Detect Evil at Level 4, Holy Fury at Level 9, and so on. Nothing else, no Falling nonsense. This island is our little pocket of Andolor, and we shall run things the Andoloran way here. Which means killing without a care for silly morality. Funny how you don't welcome that.'

    A pause, while Kelcey just smiles at Sharpe.
    Last edited by goto124; 2015-03-26 at 07:27 AM.