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Thread: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

    [Masq, Flamingo Casino]

    The door refuses to budge. Kelcey's voice can be heard from the other side.

    'Wait, what? Oh no Sharpe are you alright?'

    The patrons -there's many of them- now have their eyes on Sharpe.

    'Hey look, what do we have here?'

    'Seems to be some kind of cowboy.'

    'Everyone start betting on it!'

    The patrons attempt to push Sharpe onto the roulette table!

    'How much do ya think it's worth? 1000 gold?'

    Plastic chips and gold coins start flying everywhere.

    'Nah man, can't be that much! More like 500 gold!'

    Uh. Erm.

    This isn't good.
    Last edited by goto124; 2015-03-27 at 06:53 AM.