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Thread: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

  1. - Top - End - #950
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Riverside 16: Turn and face the strain

    [Masq, Flamingo Casino]

    The smiles on the patrons are wiped off, and their voices start to take on a much darker tone as their arms go through Sharpe.

    'You won't get away so easily...'

    'No, this was not supposed to happen!' Kelcey screams back as the door is repeatedly slammed against. 'I'm not even able to do that!'

    A sickly green magic aura surrounds the claws of the patrons.

    'I don't know why things turned out like this! I'll - find a way out for you, alright?'

    And the patrons attempt to strike Sharpe! They hope he can't phase through magic.
    Last edited by goto124; 2015-03-27 at 07:28 AM.