[Masq, Flamingo Casino]

Claws slash through an empty space where Sharpe was just was. How does Sharpe stay on the ceiling by the way?

The patrons don't yield. When the flash-bomb goes off, a bright flash of light appears momentarily, followed by a sudden, inky black darkness enveloping the room, as if the patrons have casted a darkness spell. They probably did.

Should Sharpe be able to see through the darkness with his night vision, he'll notice that the patrons have transformed. They become even more disfigured, their bodies turning scrawny and bony, and they start sprouting body parts- sharp fangs from their mouths, horns from their heads, even longer claws from both hands and feet.

A group of monsters lift up the roulette table, and swing it through the air, trying to smash Sharpe with it.

'LET'S KILL IT!' the sinister voice of the monsters fills the room as they charge up their magic and attempt to tear Sharpe up again.