
Scavenger examines the vent from where he can see inside, not entering the vent. His ghoulish eyes help see through dark spaces, though the vent doesn't show much from where he is. His eyes narrow seeing the handprint in the vent, which shouldn't normally be possible for any sort of person in a vent as small as this. He internally groans at the complete lack of investigation tools he has on him, having no way of studying the vent or the area around any further. He would have loved to be able to identify whose handprint that would belong to.

"It wasn't a shrinker," he says with a resolute focus as he turns to the returning Midnight. He decided not to involve himself with Redhawk's situation; the other heroes seem to have it covered. "There's a human-sized handprint in there. Whoever got in here loosened the cover so something could get through, then roughly closed it to make it seem insignificant." He gives a quick glance around the room. "I don't know if the other vents were touched but this one seems like it was used to transport something. We'll need to see what the Golden Matador found in the tapes but we might have found everything we could... But what sort of hand could have opened this cover from the vent's side though?" He looks down at the removed cover, figuring there'd be fingerprints on the vent side if he actually had the tools to examine it.