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Thread: Age of Aeon: The Cavalry IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Age of Aeon: The Cavalry IC

    Quote Originally Posted by hobbitguy1420 View Post
    The doctor turns at Armadura's question. "The Hoversled?" He gives a familiar grin. "I'm glad you asked! It can travel up to 500 kilometers per hour, with a carrying capacity of up to six tons."
    "Bueno, then you can carry the rest of the team in it to the docks while the fastest ones get a head start," Armadura responded, turning towards the stairs "Sooner we get there, better the chances of catching someone in the act," she stopped at the door-frame and turned back around to face the rest of the Cavalry, particularly in the direction of Riptide and Midnight, "If I get there first, big "if" from what I can tell about you two I know, but if I get there first I'll wait close to pier 12 on top of the nearest building to it."

    Having said that La Armadura made her way back to the museum entrance, acknowledged the cops present, and after a brief limbering up she bolted down the street, doing her best to go as fast as possible; she was NOT going to let this lead slip through their fingers.

    Spoiler: OOC
    With 13 strength, the DC15 check to go one rank faster than listed running speed is easily a routine check of 23 for Armadura, so she'll be effectively going speed 8 to the docks.
    Last edited by Nintendogeek01; 2015-03-31 at 10:00 PM.