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Thread: Age of Aeon: The Cavalry IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Age of Aeon: The Cavalry IC

    Amalia grew up hanging out on the streets whenever she could get away from the house; it made her tough, but even then she was NEVER stupid enough to go to the docks, though now that she's grown up and nigh-invulnerable maybe she ought to come down here more often, especially since she's un-retired now. For the time being though going around intimidating random thugs and back-handing anyone stupid enough to test her wasn't the way to go here.

    "Hmmm... could be blending with the tourists to hide in plain sight..." La Armadura mused quietly, pausing for one of the other two to respond. "This spot may be alright to watch for anyone running from the scene but as it stands they could slip out without our notice..." she continued to think out loud, though still being careful to keep her voice down. "Either of you two think you can get down there without being noticed? I'd offer but..." Armadura looked down at body and her costume; no she wasn't ashamed of it, you can't be a luchadora if you suffer from body modesty, but she knew it wasn't exactly subtle, "Well I don't exactly... blend," she finished with a shrug.

    After a brief pause, "If you see something that needs breaking or staring down though... call or signal somehow, I'll be there," La Armadura added confidently.
    Last edited by Nintendogeek01; 2015-04-03 at 03:12 PM.