
Tim pauses for a moment whenever Redhawk seems to actually consider Destructo’s offer. “Hollar at us when ya get out,” Tim said to the man before finally handing him over to the police. He took a brief moment to tell them exactly what he told Redhawk he would. Aegis painted the situation in such a way that would get Redhawk the most leniency.

He stood there for a moment as he thought of what to do next. He could always head to the Pier for a stakeout. There was sure to be a scrap involved at the end of the stakeout. And to his knowledge, it was the only lead on where the actual thief might have gone.

“Well, fellas.. I’ll see ya’ll later,” he said with a grin to the cops nearby. Tim took a few steps running start then launched himself through the air, soaring miles away from one ultra-strong thrust of his legs. Wouldn’t take too long to make it there… he’d just use his flying to keep from smashing into the pavement.

Oddly enough, that was the first time he’d considered that trick. Funny that.