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Thread: Age of Aeon: The Cavalry IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Age of Aeon: The Cavalry IC

    "Don't forget about your phone," La Armadura quickly told Midnight just before the speeding knife-thrower zipped off to do her blending. "Dios mío, here's hoping she caught that," Armadura sighed.

    "Say Riptide," Armadura started, keeping her eyes on the streets, "Even if Redhawk's arm got disabled, could you have fixed it? Can you fix something like that?" Once she had finished asking the question La Armadura mentally kicked herself for it, we're on business here, should stay focused, not ask questions that, for one, make it sound like she's trying to size up the team, and for seconds dredges up bad memories.

    Last edited by Nintendogeek01; 2015-04-04 at 12:58 PM.