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Thread: Personal Woes and Advice 3

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Santa Barbara, CA

    Default Re: Personal Woes and Advice 3

    So my girl and I were watching Inspector Lewis, and while said inspector was talking a new widow I noted that the actress had narrow nostrils.
    My GF said "You're weird, correct but weird".
    No normally I can figure out why people think something I say is odd but this has me baffled.
    This scene was the best look at the actress' face (the first tight close up).
    After two hours I'm still drawing a blank and am slightly irritated about not being able to come up with a satisfactory hypothesis about this beyond GF was mistaken (and has now left for. Family easter events)

    Edit: my GF thinks I'm somewhere on the autistic sectrum-I don't know (officially) nor do I care. So the option of her projecting this as symptomatic of something.
    Last edited by sktarq; 2015-04-05 at 01:29 PM.