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Thread: Planeside

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Fenric's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Irving, TX

    Default Re: Planeside

    [Orochi's Palace]

    Frederick shakes his head

    I had no idea I was joining the marketing department

    Tsukiko tilts her head and smiles

    But that is such an excellent place for an historian. You know the trends, you know what worked for which people, and what did not. You are rather critical to our plans, Frederick: why do you think we turned you?

    Now we have all three facets covered with mortal representatives to the Nexus who have the authority to work out what our people need: Political, with Helen. Divine, with Steven. Academic, with you. We have no worries for finances, and Inari already covers the military.

    Even should the unthinkable happen and our home come to an end, our people will live on... thanks to you.
    Last edited by Fenric; 2015-04-07 at 09:56 PM.