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Thread: Fallout Equestria: Donuts And Darkness

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout Equestria: Donuts And Darkness

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazuki View Post
    COLOR="#696969"]"She seemed alright to me."[/COLOR] Viridia answered. "Even gave me a few pointers on how to not die."
    "She's keeping the town zebra in business." River replied, sounding rather like she'd rather not have to discuss the pony, "If the Servant's get kicked out, I'd get a few ponies together and hand them some grenades to chase her out of town."

    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    Doc put a hoof on Mirror to steady her. He was smiling, despite the ache of being prodded where he was. The stallion sat down beside her and put his things on the floor. He then removed his coat, his armor, and whatever tatters were left of the undershirt. Doc glanced down at the blood-soaked wrappings around his chest, then he looked at Mirror.

    "When I was, uh... lying on the ground dying... I had a dream," Doc began to say. "I was alone. Everyone I knew was gone. It was just me and this painful voice, telling me this was my future. I didn't want to believe it... I looked for a way out of it, looking to find my way back here. I demanded that the voice show itself because I refused to go out without a fight. Well, it showed up. Was this older mare, angry, but... guess I impressed her or something cause I earned myself a second chance." He was gentle and calm with his story, just wanting to be open about his feelings with somepony he trusted.

    "So, when I woke up and my head cleared, first pony I wanted to see was you. I wanted to know that you were alright."
    Mirror apparently didn't know what to say! So she hugged Doc as tight as she could without risking, say, his ribs breaking, and rocked gently in place, murmuring something in her native language that hopefully wasn't along the lines of 'why were you thinking about a older mare?' or something along that lines.

    Really, was that supposed to be romantic? Work harder you colt!

    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
    Once outside she took to the skies, flying over to the beach and hovering above it, trying to see how things were.
    The beach was a mess! Some ponies from the inn had a small group of pirate survivors together on the beach, and some looked like they were arguing about something. The pirates, at the very least, had all been disarmed and there was approximately all the guns in town pointed at them, so there were being very polite and were not suicidal. Nearby, that hippo from last night was...oh, that's disgusting.

    The hippo, which was wearing a set of red armor with gold trim, had apparently caught a pirate in his jaws and chewed on him a little and spat the resulting mess on the beach, and the hippo was in the middle of getting bits of pony flesh out from between his tusks. The sound of the hippo's rumbling chuckle was audible even from up here, and was probably a good way to keep the pirates in line. On the other hoof, that's a ally.
    Last edited by Pokonic; 2015-04-08 at 06:01 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tychris1 View Post
    Pokonic look what you have done! You fool, you`ve doomed us all!
    Quote Originally Posted by Doorhandle View Post
    Oh Pokonic, never change. And never become my D.M.
    To those that are wondering; it's a unicorn leather knife hilt.
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